If you are using Authenticx for Compliance purposes, you will likely see Compliance reports in your Dashboard and in Signals.
🔍 Note: if you are interested in any of the data visualizations below but you don’t see them on your dashboard today, you can reach out to your Authenticx CSM or [email protected].
Authenticx Dashboard Compliance Reports
Compliance: HIPAA Violations by Agent
Compliance: Safety Events Trending
Compliance: Safety Event Not Appropriately Acknowledged
Compliance: Safety Event Types
Signals Compliance Reports
You will also notice Compliance reporting throughout Signals. For example, If you navigate to Signals, Eddy Reports, you will notice certain reports that analyze your data “By Question Response.” You’ll notice that these reports offer you the ability to drill into compliance-related data.
For example, in the Eddy Effect by Question Response Over Time report, you can select your compliance questions (i.e. Adverse Event Identified) and see how often conversations with those compliance events also include an Eddy. You will also see Safety Event reporting and HIPAA reporting in Signals, out of the box!
ℹ️ Learn more about reports available in Signals and how to build a custom Signals Dashboard that dives deep into Compliance reporting.
You can also work with your Authenticx team to set up this reporting with you.