August 29th, 2024
We’re thrilled to bring you updates to your custom Signals dashboards that will make it easier for you to report directly from Authenticx to your stakeholders.
Presentation Mode
Remove all the extra noise—filters, drop downs, even the Authenticx navigation—and present just a clean and simple dashboard with all of your key insights.
Add Your Logo
Make your dashboards your own by adding your company logo. Go to Customize Dashboard in the menu and choose from other logos your teammates have uploaded, or add your own.
Export to PDF
Now you can easily share your Authenticx custom dashboards through email by saving the whole dashboard as a PDF. You can save the standard version of the dashboard with all details shown by accessing Save as PDF from the main dashboard menu. Or, you can save a clean and simplified version of the dashboard by accessing Save as PDF from the menu found inside of presentation mode.
These are just the beginning of our investments in allowing you and your team to quickly and easily build and share insightful dashboards in Authenticx. We can’t wait to bring you more updates!
August 22nd, 2024
Agent Coaching has a new look!
You may not know that you can complete Agent coaching in Authenticx. Navigate to Agents, select the Agent you’d like to coach, and review one or more of their interactions.
The Agent Coaching page got a new look this week, in advance of some really exciting coaching updates coming soon 👀
August 15th, 2024
Share your Saved Filters with your organization
Contact Type Prevalence and Eddy Effect:You can now make your Saved Filters available to your teammates! Let’s say you’re interested in looking at inbound patient conversations over the last month where there is an Eddy present. And then you want to share that insightful group of calls with your organization so they can check them out, too.
When you go to apply Saved Filters, you’ll see yours separated from those shared with you.
No need to worry about hierarchy permissions, either. If you share a Saved Filter with someone who has different permissions, we’ll let them know when they apply it.
New Spotlights in Signals
We’re bringing even more AI Spotlights to your reports in Signals! Use Spotlight on the Contact Type reports to quickly learn the key takeaways and summary info for these graphs.
Contact Type Prevalence and Eddy Effect:
Eddy Effect by Contact Type Over Time:
Interaction Date in Audio Clips
We’ve added another way for you to quickly find the clips you’re looking for while building a montage. View, filter, and sort by Interaction Date on the Audio Clips table.
August 8th, 2024
Share Custom Dashboards in Signals
You can now make your custom dashboards available across your organization! Avoid duplicating work by creating a key dashboard once and making it available for your teammates to view.
Others will be able to add their own filters to the dashboards, but not change the specific settings on the graph visualizations (such as selected Topics or Classifiers).
If a teammate wants to edit your dashboard, they’ll need to select Duplicate in the dashboard options.
August 2nd, 2024
Agent Managers
You can now assign Agents to an Agent Manager in Authenticx. This Agent/Agent Manager relationship opens several possibilities:
Filter and sort the Agents table by Agent Manager
Easily view all Agents who report to a given Manager at once
Escalate workflows to the Agent Manager
Now you can have workflows go directly to the Agent Manager for the Agent who had the conversation. If a low score or a certain response triggers a workflow, the Agent Manager can be the user who does the review.
To assign Agents to an Agent Manager, go to Admin > Users and find the user who is the Manager. From there, assign any Agents.
Agent Acknowledgement
If you do your Agent coaching in Authenticx, then you may know that Agents can log in as Agent Users and acknowledge their coaching notes.
Now, you can require Agents to log into Authenticx and acknowledge Evaluations that were completed on their conversations. Agents log in, view their Evaluations, and can either Acknowledge or Dispute their scores.
Reach out to your Authenticx contact for help with workflows.
You can even set a time limit (such as 5 business days) for how long the Agent has to Acknowledge an Evaluation before the window closes.
View your Agents’ number of Acknowledgements on the Agents table.
Analyst Time to Evaluate
We’ve added a field to the Evaluation that shows how long it took the Analyst to complete the Evaluation. Use this field to get a sense of your Analysts’ workload and inform budget and hiring plans.
Adjust Volume by Channel
You can now raise and lower volume by channel—i.e. the caller and the agent. Use this feature to discover where background noise is coming from, or to reduce noise to better understand the Agent or customer.