July 25th, 2024
Agent Start Date
You can now add a Start Date to your agents. Use this feature to filter and sort agents based on tenure, or even sample conversations based on Start Date so you can make sure to evaluate your newer agents’ progress.
Add Start Date in Admin by updating an agent.
Show the Start Date column on the Agents domain to filter and sort by Start Date.
View Reclassify History
Whenever your team updates your classifiers, part of the process may include reclassifying. That means applying the new or updated classifier criteria to your historical conversations. In the past, there was no visibility into the last time given hierarchies were reclassified. This could lead to confusion or extra reclassify requests.
Starting at the end of May 2024, we began to track reclassification requests. Now you can view the historical reclassify requests and their statuses. Find this page in the Classifiers domain under View Reclassify History.
July 18th, 2024
New Workflows experience is live!
We’ve revamped our workflows experience to make it simpler and clearer for users to complete workflows. These updates will not require users to do anything differently. You’ll only notice that workflow links take you to a simpler workflow experience!
New Workflow Review Page
Rather than going to the evaluation to complete a workflow, users will now go to a review page. Here they will see the question that triggered the workflow instead of the whole evaluation. This will help the reviewer focus on the question at hand and completing the next action.
After reviewing, the user will only have clear and relevant options for next steps. Depending on the workflow type, the options will be Submit, End Workflow, or Advance.
View Workflow Levels
Workflow levels can now have names to help users understand context. Reviewers can easily understand where they are in the workflow and what comes next.
Due Dates and Priority
You will be able to add due dates to your workflow levels by setting a number of business days. These due dates will be communicated to the reviewer in their email notifications. You can also designate certain workflow levels as High Priority.
Viewing Workflow Status
If you’re looking at the status of workflows at large, you’ll see a lot of new information on the Workflows domain.
You will be able to view, sort, and filter by all the new data—level name, high priority, and due date—in the Workflows table. Remember you can always hide and show columns in the table based on your priorities, and drag and drop columns to reorder them.
You’ll also access your workflows using the new View button, rather than having to click the Evaluation number.
Finally, you’ll see the Workflow Overview chart where you can view workflows by status or priority.
Custom Dashboards in Signals
You can now build your own custom dashboards using any of the Signals reports. Start by clicking New Dashboard in the top left.
When building your dashboard, you can browse reports and select which you’d like to add.
You can duplicate existing reports, making it easy to focus on one set of Topics or Classifiers quickly without recreating the dashboard from scratch.
You can also add reports to an existing or a new dashboard by selecting Pin to dashboard in the menu of any report. When you pin a report to a dashboard or edit a report on a dashboard, it will retain your report selections (such as selected Topics or percent vs count).
In the next version of custom dashboards, we look forward to giving you the opportunity to share dashboards across your organization. For now they are only visible to you.
July 11th, 2024
Workflows updates coming next week!
We’ve revamped our workflows experience to make it simpler and clearer for users to complete workflows.
These updates will not require users to do anything differently. You’ll only notice that workflow links take you to a simpler workflow experience! Starting 7/18, here are the changes you’ll see in the platform:
New Workflow Review Page
Rather than going to the evaluation to complete a workflow, users will now go to a review page. Here they will see the question that triggered the workflow instead of the whole evaluation. This will help the reviewer focus on the question at hand and completing the next action.
After reviewing, the user will only have clear and relevant options for next steps. Depending on the workflow type, the options will be Submit, End Workflow, or Advance.
View Workflow Levels
Workflow levels can now have names to help users understand context. Reviewers can easily understand where they are in the workflow and what comes next.
This week (July 11th, 2024) you’ll see a few workflows enhancements already in the platform:
Due Dates and Priority
You will be able to add due dates to your workflow levels by setting a number of business days.
These due dates will be communicated to the reviewer in their email notifications. You can also designate certain workflow levels as High Priority.
Viewing Workflow Status
If you’re looking at the status of workflows at large, you’ll see a lot of new information on the Workflows domain.
You will be able to view, sort, and filter by all the new data—level name, high priority, and due date—in the Workflows table. Remember you can always hide and show columns in the table based on your priorities, and drag and drop columns to reorder them.
You’ll also see a new Workflow Overview chart where you can view workflows by status or priority.
We hope you enjoy these updates. If you want help changing your workflows to take advantage of level names, due date, and priority, reach out to your Authenticx contact.