Terms to know
User: Individuals with accounts that allow them to access the Authenticx platform (either through a traditional username/password or via SSO and their company credentials). Their platform access is controlled through their given role.
Agent User: A special type of user who is connected to their agent record and whose Agent Users access is restricted to only show the agents domain and their own results.
User Role: A predefined set of permissions assigned to users based on their responsibilities within Authenticx (example: analyst who can access montage library and My Evaluations, but not Reports).
Hierarchy Assignments: Determine a user's access to conversation data contained within evaluations and interactions (example: Director Alpha can see call center 1 and 2, but Manager Bravo can only see call center 1).
ℹ️ Review the full Authenticx Glossary.
How to Adjust Permissions
🔍 To adjust user permissions, you must have administrative permissions. If you need these permissions, contact your Authenticx Customer Service Manager, or reach out to [email protected].
Adjust individual user permissions
Adjust individual user permissions
Click on your Avatar in the upper right corner and select Settings.
Choose Users from the left panel.
Select the user whose permissions you want to adjust Make sure to Save Changes before you leave the page. Here, you can:
ℹ️ You might also be interested in learning how to adjust user permissions.