If you are using Authenticx's Quality product, you will likely see Quality scoring data in your Dashboard.
🔍 If you are interested in any of the data visualizations below, but you don’t see them on your dashboard, reach out to your Customer Service Manager or email [email protected].
Our quality reports can help you understand:
Overall team performance over time
How each agent is performing on quality skills
Which skills are in need of improvement
How the AI scoring compares to human analysis of the same skills
Authenticx Dashboard Quality Reports
Quality: Overall Trending Score
Quality: Score by Agent
Quality: Score by Skill
Quality: Overall Score Human vs AI by Skill
Quality: Score by Call Direction and Agent
Signals Quality Reports
You will also notice out-of-the-box quality reporting throughout Signals. If you navigate to Signals and select Eddy Reports, you will notice certain graphs that look for Eddies in relation to quality scoring metrics.
ℹ️ Learn more about Eddy Reports.
For example, in the Eddy Effect By Question Response report, you’ll notice that you have the ability to filter by quality skills, such as first impression, fond farewell, manages expectations, and more.
You’ll notice the option to filter by quality skills in reports throughout Signals. Simply select the Quality module you want to see and the skills you’re interested in. You also have the ability to create and save a custom dashboard in Signals that includes Quality reports that are relevant to yours needs.
ℹ️ Learn more about Signals and how to create custom dashboards in Signals.