Quality Scoring Overview
Authenticx quality scoring enables organizations to monitor patient service call center performance at scale. Insight into key quality metrics with both AI and human evaluation allows organizations to gain visibility into how agents and vendors are upholding brand standards, track and improve quality over time, and improve efficiency.
Terms to know:
Auto-scoring: the process of sampling interactions, applying configured SmartPredict to evaluation questions, and completing the evaluation (without human interaction). Auto-scoring uses machine learning to sample, summarize, and score interactions based on specified pre-set and custom criteria.
Smart Sample: Targeted evaluations of conversations containing topics and themes that matter most to the organization. Focus analysis on specific, targeted topics derived from collected interactions. These data samples help analysts and leaders understand what exactly is driving data-driven results.
Smart Predict: identifies if certain, specific criteria were met in a conversation, completely automating the escalation of issues that require review.
ℹ️ Learn more about Smart Predict and Smart Sampler.
How quality scoring works with Authenticx
Authenticx uses a standard quality scoring rubric as best practice quality module setup and scoring criteria. The quality scoring rubric is our proprietary interaction analysis tool, which allows our human analysts and our top notch AI to evaluate agent quality using an objective set of standards for scoring.
We provide scores for quality skills by using AI to process the entire transcript and looking for each skill:
First Impression
Takes Accountability
Demonstrates Perspective
Maintains Professionalism
Manages Expectation
Pace, Volume, Tone, Vocal Fillers
Proactively Listens
Fond Farewell
ℹ️ Learn how to access Performance Reporting in the Authenticx platform.