Structure of the Evaluation Form
There are four components to an Evaluation Form in the Authenticx platform:
Interaction Details
Interaction Content (Audio Player, Transcript, Chat)
Here’s what a fully completed Evaluation form looks like. We’ll break down each section below!
Interaction Details
This section gives you an overview of key information (or “metadata”) about the interaction.
Modules make up the bulk of the Evaluation. The name of each module is listed across the top of the Evaluation. You can click any of these names to move from one module to another.
Each module is made up of questions and answers. For example, this question in the Quality 2.0 module is “First Impression” with score/answer options for Does Not Meet, Partially Meets, Meets, and Not Observed. In this case, the provided score is Meets.
As you listen to the audio of the call, or review the chat transcript, you can fill out each question based on what you hear or see. To provide more detail for your response, click the pencil icon to add a note, or the quotation mark icon to add a clip.
Evaluation Modules have various types of questions. Some have specific scores, like the example above, whereas some prompt you to add one or more tags for the question response, as shown in the example below.
Within Evaluations, you have the option to create Clips by selecting short snippets from a call of chat. These will appear in the Clips section on the right side of the Evaluation. When you expand a clip, you can view its transcript and make direct edits — simply click outside the transcript box to auto-save your updates. Additionally, you can add notes, apply tags, or edit and delete the clip.
Notes and tags that you add to the clip will appear in the Montage Library, making it easier to search for and create montages.
ℹ️ Learn more about Creating Clips.
Interaction Content
Audio Player
If the interaction was a recorded conversation (as opposed to a chat, email, or text), an audio player will appear at the bottom of the Evaluation page.
Any created clips are highlighted in various colors on the waveform — these colors correspond to the play button colors for each clip in the “Clips” section, described above.
Key actions on the audio player, from left to right:
Minimize the audio player to give yourself more room to view the Evaluation
Adjust volume
Skip back to beginning of call
Skip back 30 seconds
Skip forward 30 seconds
Skip forward to end of call
Zoom mode - use this to zoom in on the waveform to make precise clips
While in zoom view, analysts may create audio clips by holding shift and click-dragging. If a user does not hold shift, click-dragging will pan the timeline left or right.
Playback speed - choose between 1.0x, 1.2x, 1.5x, or 2.0x speed
Time stamp - where you are in the call vs. total duration of call
View Transcript - click this to view the transcript of the call
The Transcript
Clicking View Transcript will populate the transcript of the call. You’ll notice that the transcript is broken out by speaker. You can assign a speaker type by hovering over the Speaker and selecting the pencil icon (example: Agent, Patient, HCP, etc.).
You can also search the transcript for keywords using the search bar at the far left. Hover over a line of the transcript to see options to Play or Create a Clip from here.
Text-Based Interaction (chat, email, text)
If the interaction was text-based rather than audio, you’ll see this interaction at the bottom of the Evaluation.
ℹ️ Learn more about Evaluations: