If you are an account admin, you have the ability to add new users to the Authenticx platform. Each user can be assigned specific roles that determine their permissions within the platform.
To add a new user, follow these steps:
Log into the Authenticx platform
Hover over your profile in the top right corner and select Settings.
In the column on the left hand side, select Users in the Management section.
Select +Add.
Add User Details: First and Last Name, User Name, Email, Role (Admin or Agent). If the user is a Manager, you can also Assign Agents to them.
Select Hierarchy Assignments. This will determine what data the user has access to.
Click Save Changes in the top right of the page. The newly added user will then be notified via email and will be prompted to log in to the Authenticx platform.
ℹ️ Learn how to remove a user here or adjust user permissions.